Literature-based theatre

streaming in your classroom.

Here's what's included when you engage ArtsPower...

Laura Ingalls Wilder

A musical for audiences in grades 2-6 with our teacher-ready Activity Guides

ArtsPower’s musical Laura Ingalls Wilder follows the tomboyish Laura, her older sister Mary, her Ma, and her Pa as they travel across the unsettled frontier of the late-1800s American Midwest. Many challenges threaten the Ingalls family’s well-being, including disease and devastating crop losses. Powered by their love for and devotion to one another, and their unwavering “pioneerin' spirit,” they keep searching for the perfect place they can call home.

"Pioneerin’ spirit" is the feeling of adventure and curiosity that drives the Ingalls family westward in their covered wagon. Along the way, the Ingalls face many obstacles, but they never waiver in their pursuit of a new adventure. In the end, Laura discovers her love of storytelling, the talent that will someday bring her national fame as one of America’s most beloved children’s authors.

ArtsPower's high energy musical is accompanied by our dynamic Activity Guides that includes interviews with member of the cast, behind-the-scenes videos, historical information, learning to act in a scene from the show, and playwriting.

The show's themes focus on family, exploration, self-discovery, and adventure.